Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I shall not covet....

It is now an official tradition...the Lutheran Family Home Tour is a must!  Pam, Whitney, Rene, Kelly, and myself piled in the car and booked it from one house to the next.  When I say booked it...I mean Mrs. Rene has a lead foot and I love it!  She already had a game-plan mapped out for us, so we could make the best of our time.  It was so fun to see how people decorate for Christmas and their overall tastes in general.  Not to mention, the size of the homes...we are talking massive (question...who needs three staircases in their home?!  I hope it was a really large family, but I'm guessing not!)  This was our prayer before we began...Lord, please don't allow us to lust over these incredible homes!  I'm still praying about that....:)

The Lynwood home tour was also that afternoon, so my friend, Kristi and I went to a few of the homes on the list.  Ryan and Whitney's home was the first home we visited and it was adorable!  Whitney has such a great decorating style...loved it!  We also visited another house in Ducks Landing...enough said.  No really, it was gorgeous.  

The whole day was so fun...I wish we could look in homes every weekend!  It was a great way to get new ideas for my home, so on that note, I'm off to figure out what my next Christmas project will be!  

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