Monday, June 10, 2013

Charli Suttyn: 12 Months

Well, here we are...12 months. It's really unbelievable. I feel like Charli's transition from a newborn babe to an active toddler has gone really well! You've come along for quite a ride with our little family and made it even more special for us! Charli, you make life so fun!

*She says "ha loooo"when she walks into a room of people or when she picks up a phone.  All we can do is laugh.

*She still loves to wave with her little cupped hand towards herself. It's so precious.

*We nursed for one year, Charli! Well, almost...we were just a few days shy of the 12 month mark, but we did it!! It's a good thing too because you dislike formula, so much so, that you down right refused to drink it for me on a few occasions! Thankfully, I had enough milk stored up that we actually got you past the one year mark. Woo hoo!

*One of your favorite hobbies is rearranging my cabinets and drawers. She arranges them on the floor and then crawls away to her next favorite toy. :)

*She loves to watch our dog, Alleigh and our cat, Piper from the French doors in our dining room. She will sit there jabbering with them for thirty minutes or more!

*Favorite 2 words...."uh oh" right after her toy, food, etc hits the floor. It's her game and she's winning. ;)

*She loves to let me know by signing (that she's all done) with her food...right after she takes a few bites. She's a smooth one let me tell ya!

*We swear she speaks a little German too. :)

*She has yet to take her first steps all by herself, but stands and pulls up everywhere!

*She still loves peas.

*She loves to be held. It doesn't matter who it is...she wants to be in on the action and she's usually content on someone's hip.   

*She still has the sweetest, cheesiest smile around.

It's plain and simple....we just can't imagine our lives without Charli. Her sweet temperament, bubbly smile, sassy squeals, busy-body nature, and adorable wispy curls are some of our favorite things about her. She's such a joy and good for our souls. Charli Suttyn, we thank God for your life and praise Him for a wonderful first year! We feel absolutely humbled that He has entrusted us with you! We can't wait to see the new and exciting things you will learn, the ways in which you and Ansley will grow the bond that is already strong between you, and how your personality will flourish in the coming months and years. Happy one year, Charli!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

That picture is adorable! I can't believe she is ALREADY A YEAR OLD! And I am so jealous that you can put your breast pump away and I'm about to get mine out! HAHA! I just love that little thing so much and can't wait to watch her keep growing up...I always wonder which of the girl cousins will be the closest...will Brynn and Ansley be one group, and Charli and Emory the next group? Who knows...but I am so glad they all have each other! Love you!