Thursday, January 28, 2010

Baby Shower for Kristi

Babies, babies, and more babies!  I feel like everyone has a baby on the's so exciting!  There are 4 girls pregnant at work and my friend, Kristi from church (along with 2 others) are also pregnant!  Kristi's baby, Alex will be here soon so Whitney, Pam, and I put together a shower for her.  We decided to make the cupcakes, which turned out to be a lot of fun, however, getting them to the church turned out to be a little harder than we thought!  We snapped a few pictures of us icing the cupcakes (please don't judge for the hideous hairnet).  Ryan ended up being our quality control, while Jason wrangled Ansley (somehow he always gets out of the dirty work).  Here are a few pictures from the cupcake decorating party...soon I will post some from the shower.

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