Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hollyn Monroe: 5 Months

Sweet, smiling, Hollyn....we LOVE you so!

*You are eating your toes now!

*You like to chew and suck on everything!  You HAVE to be teething and there's always lots of drooling going on.

*You love to coo and Ansley seems to think your coos are words, which is really funny.  She's always saying, Mom, I'm pretty sure she said "yes" or I think that was "mom".  Did you hear her?!  :)

*You are a jumping bean fein.  It doesn't matter if you're on someone's lap, in the jumperoo, or being held....you are always trying to jump!

*When I get you out of bed, you are usually so excited....you head butt me several times with excitement.  I seriously need a helmet. You are just beyond excited to get milk and it's one of the best times of the day to see how thrilled you are....other than the pain part.  ;/

*You love your tongue. Since birth, you usually have it sticking out.  It's even there when you smile most of the time.  It's so cute.

*Your sister's adore you and LOVE to give you lots of kisses and hugs.  You are twisted, smooshed, and bumped constantly by them, but you are such a good sport about it. 

*I absolutely love this 5 month stage that you're in.  You are really acknowledging the people and things around you and it's so fun to watch your little personality come alive.  You are such a gem.  

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