Friday, December 9, 2011

Life Group and the Madrigal Feast

This time of year is always so busy with get-togethers, Christmas parties, and programs.  It's hard to keep up with it all!  We had our annual life group Christmas party last Saturday with our great group of church friends at the Greene household.  It's always fun to eat, open our white elephant gifts, and just hang-out together outside of church.  We are a pretty close-knit group of friends just doing life together one day at a time and we consider them some of our best friends.  I didn't take many pictures of the night (it's sometimes just nice to enjoy and not be snapping away all the time), but I got a few of some of the group.  Some of the best gifts this year:  a sack of dirty diapers, Jersey Shore puzzle, Cialis, Jimmy's fro, our apron made another year's appearance, and Mike's Lutesville Motor jacket again.  There were so many good gifts, I can't even remember them all!

Heather trying to pick a present and everyone else laughing over the previous one I'm sure (it might have been the sack of dirty diapers)!
Mark holding an AWFUL arrangement that Heather actually wanted to take home!  She wanted the scary elf sitting on the top (she said she was too cheap to buy a one new:).  I am too!).

Another pic from Jason's perspective 
Love my Heather!  We laughed so hard that night at all the presents, especially about the Cialis!  No one, BUT Ryan wanted that one! 
Good times!

Last night we went to the Jackson High School Madrigal Feast at the Bavarian Hall.  Ryan and Whitney got tickets last year and told us about how fun it was.  This year we were determined to get several tickets so that a group of us could enjoy it and we were so excited when Jason's Aunt Soni rounded some up for us!  Her twins, Molly and Zach were acting and singing, so watching it was even more fun.  Basically, we ate some yummy dinner with several courses while the Jackson Choir was acting out skits, dancing, and singing.  It was like dinner theatre circa 1530s AND they sang songs about the birth of Jesus!  We loved it! Wassail (this term was yelled out all night)!!!
Joanna and Nate
Ryan and Whit 
Jason, our Table Master for the evening.  He was caught up with the bell ringing all night!  
Jason and I  
   My camera died after just taking a few shots.  Ugh! Why does that always happen?! Our friend, Ashley was with us too, but when we were taking these she was chatting with her high school music director at the time, so NO pics of her :( (except if you look closely she's right behind Jason's left shoulder in this one.  Ha!) 
It was such a fun night with friends and we sooo enjoyed the beautiful music!!!

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