Sunday, June 22, 2014

Charli Suttyn Turns 2!

This pretty girl is 2! Geez.  What a blessing she is! 
We had her birthday bash at one of her favorite places in town....Discovery Playhouse.  She seriously loves that place and on most visits will spend HOURS completely engaged in all the fun activities, so it was an easy choice after realizing a party at our house this year was not feasible. Usually we would just have a birthday party there, however right now it's under construction (we pretty much have a total mess on our hands there) and the kids would just be playing in mud holes outside. :/

Charli's birthday sort of snuck up on me this year.  I think it's because I say to myself....I have until JUNE and then wham! the end of May is here and I've got NOTHING done, not even the invites. Story of my life as a procrastinator!   

The theme for her party was the Very Hungry Caterpillar for a couple of reasons....she eats through EVERYTHING in our house (it's a full-time job keeping her fed) and she LOVES books (she is flipping through one all the time or asking for someone to read to her constantly).  This little story just stuck out to me for some reason when thinking about Charli, so I went with it.
This was the food table going along with the VHC theme.  We had sour worms, marshmallow ice cream cones and cupcakes, runts, and LOTS of fresh fruit (grapes as the plums, oranges, watermelon, strawberries, pears, and fruit dip)!  
Here was her little birthday hat (made from scrapbook paper, a cutout of the caterpillar and the #2)
Here were most of the kids at the party.  We are missing just a few. Sweet friends!
I caught Ansley giving Charli sweet kisses after she blew out the candles
This was the cake I made for Charli (usually it sounds so easy and then I start on it and think EVERY TIME....what is wrong with me?!  I am NOT a cake decorator!!!). This time was no different, however I started on the cake before I even did the invitations (the caterpillar took 2 weeks to harden and stay put-even then it was a little sketchy), so I knew I could order a Walmart cake if I needed to.  I hand painted the fondant food pieces after cutting them out with a pizza cutter.  It all looked pretty cute until I was delivering it to the party and it rammed into the back of my seat on the way.  One entire side was smashed, but thankfully you can't tell too bad after I rearranged some food pieces.
The strawberry I cut out of foam sheets, stuck a #2 I had made for Ansley's second birthday party, and of course, the Caterpillar. Thankfully, I had help setting all of this up because I technically only had 30 minutes to do it.  Yikes.
Aunt "Wente" made the fabulous cookies.  She has some major skills CLEARLY!  I didn't really want anyone to eat them they were so cute!  :/
The VHC book and a toy we brought from home
Some of the yummy fruitIMG_a6330
I found these printables for free on a couple different sites, one of which was Polkadots and Puppies! I was so thankful to stumble upon them when planning for all this.  I didn't buy one printable this time.  Score! 
My sister in law, Laura and niece, Juliet.
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 A caterpillar hanging in the window made out of some paper fans
I scored BIG at Target for the party!  I found VHC bags, crayons, and sketch pads.  I almost fell over in the Target dollar spot....seriously, it couldn't have been more perfect for the treat bags!
Opening presents
Charli was more interested in strapping in her new Anna doll than opening any more presents.  No fear....big sis will step up! :)
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Having a picnic with Mimi
Fun times with the special birthday girl!

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