Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ansley Harper 18 Months!

This picture cracks me up...first of all, she looks like a little jailbird and secondly, her face all crunched up is a scream!

Wow!  We have a big girl on our hands now!  Ansley is eighteen months and trucking too fast!  Here's the lastest tricks we are amazed by...

*You LOVE to say MUM....for mom.  Not mom or mommy....mum.  No longer do you say, uh uh uh, when you need something.  You immediately point and say...mum.  I love it!

*You are starting to become quite the little dancer!  You love to twirl and turn (ballarina style) and you do a really cute knee bend move (usually to music) that we love to see.  It's pretty adorable!

*It's not unusual for you to break out in song-twinkle, twinkle little star, ABCs, Jesus loves me, or E I E I Oooooo......are some of your favorites.  The funniest part about it all is when you close your eyes and start moving your head...Stevie Wonder style!

*I Wuv Youuuuu has to be one of the most adorable things you say right now.  You pucker your lips and extend out the's hilarious and so precious!

*Your babies are still your prized possessions.  They even get fussy!  Sometimes I'll hear a distant cry and run in to see what the problem is, only to find that the baby is fussy.  You then will rock them, pat them, and make sure their happy again.  Wow.  You have quite an imagination already!

*You are such a great little helper!  You like to help me do laundry, throw items in the trashcan, vaccuum (with your toy), and sometimes I find you dusting stuff with a paper towel.  Last week at My Daddy's Cheesecake, I let you get down from the table and you started cleaning the glass cases.  So funny!  I hope this phase continues...Lord knows, I hate to clean!!

*You started saying your name about a month ago...Ansy, is usually what is sounds like.  So precious.

*There's been several occasions where you start tickling yourself to be funny.  You say...tickle, tickle, tickle and then you shake and roll on the floor!  Everytime your little friend, Kate Crisman sees you she asks if you want to tickle yourself...she thinks it's hilarious. 

*You have such a sweet personality.  You are so loving, but have a little fiestiness to you as well.  You have recently learned the word "Nooo  w", so we are trying to keep that in check (that is, if we can stop from laughing when you say it). 

*Bathtime is so fun for you.  You love to play with all your water toys and your dad has taught you how to dip your face under the water.  We also have sponge letters that we build words with..."It's time to build a word, let's build it, let's build it now!"  Thank you WordWorld...learning made fun!

*You went above and beyond the requirements of an 18 month old when we visited with Amanda, our parents as teachers friend.  She was impressed with your skills!  It was a proud moment for mom and dad!

*You weigh 27 lbs, 75% in height and weight, wear size 4 diapers, 12-18 month clothes and size 5 shoes.

*Before mealtime and bedtime, we say our prayers with you.  The best part is, when you clasp your little hands together to pray.  You will usually bow your head, sometimes close your eyes, and at the end you say Amen (your version of amen).  Those are the moments that my heart bursts!

Ansley, you are adorable!  Bottom line...we are honored to care for such a precious little girl and we daily thank God for you!  The past year and a half has been incredible because of you!   

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Good grief! 18 mos already! It cracks me up that my 14 month Nathan is chunkier and wears bigger clothes than her.