My friend, Sheri was able to be next to the operating room and captured the most amazing images for us. I CANNOT stop looking at them and reliving the moments. These images are one of my favorite treasures ever. Prepare yourself....image overload.
It's a girl! The whole room rejoiced.
She gave out the most wonderful cry. I can remember hearing her while lying there on the operating table and then I was instantly crying uncontrollably. She was here and she was healthy. Praise the Lord.
I was immediately smitten
Oh my dear Lord....that first glimpse of her and the very first squeeze. What a moment.
This is one of my favorite images. Jason has been so incredible, knowing exactly what I needed to hear at the very moment I needed to hear it. He sweetly attended to me and also loved on our newest girl. I will never forget it.
I wanted to kiss her one more time before he told our family
Jason was in love all over again.
And then the family found out we would be 3 girls poor and 3 girls blessed. Ha! I love seeing these images because I would have missed the whole moment if I didn't have these.
I was so worried about Ansley and Charli's little hearts. They wanted a boy so bad. Thankfully, Ansley went from a moment of disappointment to a glance of Hollyn that immediately won her over. They are both head over heels to have their new baby sister.
A moment of giddiness.
There's not enough kisses in the world to show my love.
It doesn't get any better than this
Welcome to the world sweet baby girl!